[cmsms_row][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsms_text] Monday night, the Protestant Christian writer, conservation activist, and farmer Wendell Berry delivered the prestigious 43rd Jefferson Lecture on the Humanities in Washington...
Archive for month: April 2012

Considering Spiritual and Ecological Diversity on Earth Day
A Food-Variety Tree (see the diagram at the end) prepared by National Geographic Magazine illustrates how the varieties of seeds used for food in...
The Agape Vespers Gospel and the “Language” of Creation
On Pascha Sunday, Orthodox Christians around the world hear the gospel of the empty tomb (John 20:19-25) read in many languages. This points us in...
Compost as an Icon of the Resurrection
By Heather Zydek If we look carefully enough, we can see God all around us. Of course, it’s easy to see God in the beautiful:...
Pascha Time on Earth
A Reflection by Alfred Kentigern Siewers* “Christ is Risen!” Orthodox Christians around the Earth look forward to chanting those ancient words in many languages at...
Bees, Pesticides, and Orthodox Iconography
The decimation of honeybee populations in North America is in the news again in recent days, with further evidence of a likely link between their...
Thoughts on Noah and the Rules of Gardening
By Alfred Kentigern Siewers* God’s convenant in the aftermath of the flood, not to overwhelm the earth again, is taken in some Protestant fundamentalist readings...
Orthodoxy, Hierarchy, Ecology: A Reflection
By Alfred Kentigern Siewers* It’s often assumed that, because Orthodox Christianity is a traditional faith, it must be conservative in a current American political sense,...