By. George P. Nassos According to the U.S. Geological Survey and other scientific authorities the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, but humans have...
Archive for category: Reflections
Climate Change and the Los Angeles Fires
By. George P. Nassos There is continued evidence that climate change, really global warming, is an environmental issue that must be addressed as quickly as...
Do We Care Enough for the Future Generations?
by George P. Nassos There is no question that the environment has deteriorated over the past 100 years, and the rate of deterioration is increasing....
Sustainability Should Be Embedded in All Business Courses
by George P. Nassos After 32 years in the corporate world, which ended over 25 years ago, I went into academia as the Director of...
Do We Really Need More Evidence that Climate Change is Real?
By George P. Nassos In 1988, James Hansen, then head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified before Congress that the atmosphere is warming...
Some Small Recommendations for a More Sustainable Environment
By George P. Nassos There is no question that the environment is degrading and more needs to be done to improve it. Here are a...
The Impact of Global Population on the Environment
by George P. Nassos The rapid growth of the world population has had a major influence on the decline of our environment, particularly with the...
Climate Change by The Numbers
By George P. Nassos Climate change continues to be a very important environmental issue that is discussed by scientists, the media, and others. What you...
Be Careful of Climate Change Deniers
By George P. Nassos There is no question that climate change is a major topic in the media today, particularly with a presidential election coming...
We Must Protect Our Natural Resources
By. George P. Nassos The various media talk about climate change and water depletion, two of the major environmental issues that must be addressed seriously...