Ktisis: Orthodox Voices on Creation
“Ktisis” means Creation in biblical Greek. It’s the title for this collection of contemporary reflections on Orthodox Christianity and Creation, as featured on the OFT blog since its start in February 2012. These posts don’t necessarily express official views of the Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration, but offer a variety of views by Orthodox Christians in North America today (contributors listed alphabetically).
FATHER JOHN CHRYSSAVGIS (Bath, Maine), OFT Steering Committee Member, Arch-Deacon of the Ecumenical Throne and advisor to the Ecumenical Patriarch on Environmental Issues, author of In the Heart of the Desert and Beyond the Shattered Image: Insights into an Orthodox Ecological Worldview among many other works.
FATHER ANDREW DAMICK (Emmaus, PA), Pastor of St. Paul’s Antiochian Church, author of the book Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, founder of the blog of that same name, and of the podcast series Roads from Emmaus. He participated in the OFT conference on Orthodoxy and Ecology at St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
“A Divine Ecology: An Orthodox Christian Vision for the Environment,” Part 1 (podcast series)
Part 2
DR. ALFRED KENTIGERN SIEWERS (Lewisburg, PA), OFT web editor, Assoc. Prof. of English and Affiliated Faculty Member in Environmental Studies, Bucknell University. Member of the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (OCA). He researches issues of nature and the environment in early literature, with special interest in Eriugena.
“Holy Kingship and Ecology” 7/12
“The Icon for Orthodoxy’s Major ‘Green’ Feast,” 6/12
“Pascha Time on Earth” 4/12
“Thoughts on Noah and the Rules of Gardening” 4/12
“Orthodoxy, Hierarchy, Ecology: A Reflection” 4/12
“The Agape Vespers Gospel and the ‘Language’ of Creation” 4/12
“Apatheia and Climate Change” 2/12
ABBOT TRYPHON (Vashon Island, WA), of All-Merciful Saviour Monastery (ROCOR). A convert from Lutheranism, of Norwegian background, he writes about Orthodoxy and monastic life at The Morning Offering blog and a related Facebook page.
“The Church is a Microcosm of the Universe” 6/12
METROPOLITAN JOHN ZIZIOULAS (of Pergamon). His Eminence is well known for his writings on relational and personal ontology, especially in his books Being as Communion (1985) and Communion and Otherness (2007). Metropolitan John is also well-known for his work on the environment, particularly for his lecture series, “Preserving God’s Creation.”
Closing remarks at Haiki Summit on Global Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability 6/12
HEATHER ZYDEK (Wauwatosa, WI) is the OFT social media consultant, an author and journalist, and a blogger for OCN, as well as an instructor at colleges and universities in the Milwaukee area. She and her family attend Saints Cyril and Methodius Church (OCA). She also blogs on urban farm-steading here.
“Why Global Warming Doesn’t (Really) Matter” 2/12
“Compost as an Icon of the Resurrection” http://blog.myocn.com/nature-and-health/compost-as-an-icon-of-the-resurrection.html, 4/12